Paper Title
Lateral Load Distribution in Frame Structures
This analysis aims to the lateral load analysis in frame structures with regular and vertical irregularity. This study includes the modelling of regular and vertical irregular buildings having area of 45X70 ft2 and height of 66ft, 86ft and 106ft from ground having storey of 6, 8 and 10. The performance of these framed buildings under lateral loads depend on the distribution of stiffness, strength, and mass in both the horizontal and vertical planes of the buildings. The main aim of this work is comparative study of the stiffness of the structure by considering the three models in Regular Structure and three models in Vertical irregular structure with 6 storeys, 8 storeys and 10 storeys. All models are analyzed with earthquake and wind loadings for the Zone II. Result found from the ETABS analysis that in irregular shaped building displacements are more than that of regular shaped building. All building frames are modelled &analyzed in software ETABS 9.6.0. Various seismic and wind responses like base shear, Bending moment, node displacement, etc. are obtained. The overall performance of regular building is found better than irregular building. But circumstances sometimes may not allow the use of regular buildings. In such cases the irregular components should be thoroughly analyzed and designed. Keywords - Frame Structure, Vertical Regularity, Vertical Irregularity, High Rise RCC Building, Soft Storey