Paper Title
Biomedical Waste Treatment by Solar Claving Method

Abstract - Each nation's primary focus right now is on making a full recovery from the devastation wrought by the COVID-19 outbreak. The only kind of advancement that matters is something that resources are employed in a way that won't deplete them over time, and the trash that results from that production is dealt properly. The techniques for attempting to deal with waste materials including incineration, pyrolysis, and on and on, but all these techniques cost a lot of power, and the contaminants that are created as a result from these unit operations are destructive to both the surroundings and human wellbeing. We are absolutely determined to steer clear of these unfavourable outcomes by making use of sustainable practices and resources, which include solar energy and steam for hydroclaving, amongst other approaches. It is imperative that we optimize the utilization of these energy sources in order to reduce our dependency on those that are not replenishable. The objective of this study is to suggest a treatment process for biomedical waste that is easy to function, is capable of managing wastes at the generation point itself, and reduces the cost of managing the waste by employing renewable energy in a truncated box-type solar cooker that is coated with 0.0025 millimetres of copper sheet that has been coloured black inside of it.By exposing the setup to sunlight for a total of six hours every day at a temperature anomaly of 120–125 ̊C. Following the completion of the treating procedure, there is a decrease in the quantity of microbe concentration that is equivalent to 8 log if initially of order 108 -109 CFU/ml. Keywords – Hospital and Clinical Waste, Truncated Solar Cooker, Micro-Organisms Counting and Treatment