Paper Title
Stabilized And Solidified Calcium Hydroxide Concrete

Compressive test have been done in different mix ratio of Calcium Hydroxide which has been prepared to replace the river sand in the concrete in form of cubes and cylinders to analyze the strength of the concrete. The size of the cubes that has been used is 100mm x 100mm x 100mm. The cylinders size is 300 mm length and 150 mm diameter as it recommended by the Eurocode. 12 cylinders and 52 cubes have been produced, in each samples the percentage of calcium hydroxide increased. Results obtained that the strength of concrete increased by replacing the calcium hydroxide. The work evaluates four partitions of the calcium hydroxide replacement in sand, started with 0% CH, 20% CH, 30% CH and 40% CH. The result obtained that the best mix ratio and best strength when the CH replaced sand at 20%. Besides that, crushed block leaching test have been used to determine how much calcium hydroxide has been leached out from the crushed block concrete. The results obtained that the stabilization and solidification has been achieved as the optimum percentage of using CH in concrete found and the crushed block leaching elements have not exceed the standard leaching limit values for hazardous wastes. Keywords- Cement, Calcium Hydroxide, Compressive Strength, Stabilization and Solidification.