Paper Title :C-(A-)S-H Differences of Normal and Ultra High Performance Concrete Assessed by 29si MAS NMR
Author :Arjan Korpa, Sara Dervishi, Kristi Shahu, Diana Gecaj, Silvana Gjyli
Article Citation :Arjan Korpa ,Sara Dervishi ,Kristi Shahu ,Diana Gecaj ,Silvana Gjyli ,
(2021 ) " C-(A-)S-H Differences of Normal and Ultra High Performance Concrete Assessed by 29si MAS NMR " ,
International Journal of Advances in Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IJAMCE) ,
pp. 14-19,
Abstract : Abstract - Normal and Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC) differences of the C-(A-)S-H nanostructure are presented with the help of ²⁹Si MAS NMR. Some UHPC samples contain nanoscale pozzolan and special curing-treatment. Spectral deconvolution and analysis show important nanostructure differences of the C-(A-)S-H phase of both concrete types, more pronounced with the special treated UHPC samples that contain nanoscale pozzolans. The main hydration phase (C-(A-)S-H) of nanoscale pozzolan containing UHPC is made up of a significant portion of chain like structure (Q3), which is absent at Normal concrete and even at the conventional UHPC samples based on the findings of our research work.
Keywords - C-(A-)S-H differences, nano-scale pozzolan containing UHPC, Normal concrete, ²⁹Si MAS NMR;
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-8,Issue-6
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Published on 2022-03-17 |