Paper Title
Development of Hydropower for Sustaınable Energy, Focus On: Small Hydropower

Hydropower throughout the world provides 17% of our electricity from an installed capacity of some 730 GW is currently under construction, making hydropower by far the most important renewable and sustainable energy for electrical power production. The contribution of small hydropower (SHP) to the worldwide electrical capacity is more of a similar scale to the other renewable energy sources (1-2% of total capacity), amounting to about 47 GW (53%) of this capacity is in some developing countries such as China, India and Turkey. On the other hand, small hydropower represents an alternative to fossil fuel generation, and doesn’t contribute to either greenhouse gas emissions or other atmospheric pollutants. However, developing the remaining hydropower potential offers many challenges and pressures from some environmental action groups over its impact has tended to increase over time. In this paper, some investigations and suggestions to development of small hydropower as a sustainable energy technology are presented. Index Terms- Energy Technology, Renewable Energy, Small Hydropower, Sustainable Energy,