Paper Title
A Review on Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis of Upper Himalayas Region using Moment Release Constraint Method
Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) characterizes ground motion hazard from earthquake. PSHA
analysis is conducted where there is a perceived earthquake threat from active seismic source in the region that may produce
a large earthquake. These earthquakes occur during the years to decades prior to the occurrence of the large event and over a
region larger than its rupture zone. The size of the region in which these earthquakes occurs scales with the size of the
ensuing foreshock or main-shocks, at least in continental regions. A number of numerical simulation studies of faults and
fault systems also exhibit similar behavior. The combined observational and simulation evidence suggests that the period of
increased moment released in earthquakes signals the establishment of long wavelength correlations in the regional stress
field. This paper presents a brief overview of seismic hazard analysis method and a peak into various seismic zones in which
our study area is divided based on seismotectonic segments. The main aim of this study is to review the work already done
till now on the PSHA analysis.
Keywords - Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis, Earthquake, Foreshock, Wavelength, Seismotectonic.