Paper Title
Multi Agent System (MAS) Use in Construction Management Literature
Multi Agent System (MAS) can be defined as a system composed of multiple intelligent agents that interact with
each other to increase their own utility or to achieve a common goal. In those systems, negotiation is a basic method of
interaction in reaching a common agreement on an idea or a purpose. The construction industry requires multiple parties (such
as employer, designer, contractor, subcontractor and etc.) who should work together in order to execute a construction project.
Considering that those parties are mostly geographically diverse and have different perspectives and/or objectives about the
project, it becomes crucial to use distributed problem-solving systems with multi agents in order to simulate the characteristic
of construction projects. Thus, this study aims to investigate in which topics multi agent system approach is used in
construction management area by using comprehensive literature review as the research methodology. The identification and
clarification of the comprehensive list of research topics will contribute to the researches by recognizing appropriate
construction management topics in which MAS approach can be used.
Keywords - Comprehensive literature review, Construction management, Multi Agent System (MAS).