Paper Title
Investigation On Autoclave Aerated Concrete Slab

A typical slab is design to resist the load that come on the slab such as live load, self-weight and handling stresses during erection, placement, and any accidental load. slab currently manufactured have high reinforcement which is responsible for high cost. To address the problem in present study slabs with varying percentage of reinforcement are used in manufacturing of slab. In addition the autoclaving process induces high thermal stress which can lead to cracking of slab due to thermal expansion of embedded steel reinforcement and larger spacing between the reinforcement. The slabs of live load 4 KN/m2 and 5KN/m2 are tested with 2 point loading system. The slabs are failed due to shear. The design of AAC slab is compared with RCC slab. The mass of AAC slab is considerably is less compared to equivalent RCC slab because of its less density.