Paper Title
Identification of Groundwater Potential Zones Using Arcgis 10.1
A case study was conducted to find out the groundwater potential zones in Dodahalla Watershed, Belagavi and
Karnataka, India with an aerial of 320.20 km2. The thematic maps such as geomorphology, land use / land cover, slope, soil,
lithology and drainage map were generated for the study area. The groundwater potential zones are generated by overlaying
all the thematic maps in terms of weighted overlay method using the spatial analysis tool in ArcGIS 10.1. During weighted
overlay analysis the ranking has been given for each individual parameters of each thematic map and weights were assigned
according to the influence such as geomorphology-25%, land use / landcover-20%, slope-15%, soil-20%, lithology-10% and
drainage-10% and the potential zones were identified in terms of good, moderate, poor, very poor zones with an area
0.346469 km2, 273.6149km2, 43.2184km2 and 1.208018km2 respectively.