Paper Title
Identification of Capacity Level of Local Consultant Service Provider in Participating the Full E–Procurement Bidding in Aceh

E-procurement system in the good/service procurement in Indonesia is trusted by governments as the tool to create good government and public services, since it will improve the cost efficiency, effectiveness, faster time; improve transparency; provide better public monitoring; improve healthy competition; and improve government accountability. In the implementation, e-procurement still has some obstacles and problems. One of them is occurred to local consultant service provider. This study aims to determine the application of e-procurement in every phase and to find out the obstacles faced by local consultant services provider in participating the electronically bidding and to find out the effect of e-procurement to the success of local consultant services provider. The variables used in this study are human resources management; technical aspects, including procedures to participate e-procurement bidding and technical documents; hardware and network infrastructure. The statistic analysis used is frequency analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. Data processing using computerized tools of software SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution) version 21. From the coefficient regression analysis result, it is obtained that the highest coefficient is X3 which value is 9.485; it is hardware and network infrastructure variable with significance is 0.020. It shows that the hardware and network infrastructure variable affecting the capacity level of local consultant service provider. This study result is expected to be a reference to local consultant service provider in improving local consultant service provider company quality in participating full e-procurement bidding so that it can compete with other consultant service providers locating in other area (town). Keywords- E-procurement, Bidding, Local Consultant.