Paper Title :Challenges Associate with the Integration of Renewable Energy Resources with Existing Desalination Plants
Author :Peiman Kianmehr
Article Citation :Peiman Kianmehr ,
(2018 ) " Challenges Associate with the Integration of Renewable Energy Resources with Existing Desalination Plants " ,
International Journal of Advances in Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IJAMCE) ,
pp. 26-30,
Abstract : The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries including United Arab Emirate (UAE) are known as arid and
mainly desertic areas. Dubai as the largest city in UAE is dealing lack of fresh water resources. Seawater desalination is an
effective way to cope with growing demand for potable water. Desalination of seawater is known as a costly and energy
intensive process with substantial carbon footprint. As part of the global trend, integrating of renewable energy resources
with desalination technologies is implemented to achieve cost effective and environmentally friendly water supply system
areas like Dubai. Evaluating the resilience of desalination plants with a shift from usage of fossil fuels to integration with
renewable energy resources is crucial to project the future of this industry. This manuscript aims to conduct initial evaluation
and project some features of such a shift in Dubai. The investigation revealed that continuously running desalination plants
may not operably couple with locally viable renewable energy resources. The evaluation justifies daytime desalination due to
limitations associated with supplying renewable energies for nighttime desalination. The evaluation identifies more resilient
desalination technologies when running intermittently on available renewable energies.
Keywords - Distillation, Membrane, Solar Energy, Intermittent Desalination, Sustainability
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-5,Issue-5
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2019-01-18 |