Feb. 2025 | ||
Submitted Papers | : | 80 |
Accepted Papers | : | 10 |
Rejected Papers | : | 70 |
Acc. Perc | : | 12% |
Issue Published | : | 62 |
Paper Published | : | 1111 |
No. of Authors | : |
2950 |
International Journal of Advance Computational Engineering and Networking (IJACEN) collaborated with the Directory of Indexing Online (DOIONLINE) provides ready access to education literature to support the use of educational research and information to improve practice in learning, teaching, educational decision-making, and research. Directory of Indexing Online-DOIONLINE is an online service that helps you to find web resources for your articles and research. With millions of resources available on the Internet, it can be difficult to find useful material. DOIONLNE is a unique number provided to individual research papers in journals and conferences. Aims 1. Increase your e-journal content usage through the power of DOIONLINE. 2. Increase knowledge of the value of high-quality indexing. 3. Access educational resources that enable you to fulfill indexing accomplishment. 4. Collaborate with other professional organizations in information science. 5. Reach new publishers, subscribers, and researchers. 6. Expand the approachability of your website through links in the DOIONLINE bibliographic record. 7. Increase presentation to an international audience. 8. Support index standards for indexers, editors, and abstractors. How to search DOIONLINE? You can only visit the official website http://www.doionline.org/ and put the DOIONLINE number given for the research paper. You can also click the link given for the DOIONLINE with the research paper details. Is DOIONLINE is Free to access? Yes! Directory of Indexing Online (DOIONLINE) is a nonprofit service for the journal and researchers across the globe providing service from 2017. It’s free to access. Can I search the DOIONLINE number with Google? The directory of Indexing Online known as DOIONLINE is an independent service which is having no connection with the Google search engine. However, you may search the DOIONLINE number with Google to get identify the paper. (Google may take time to catch the DOIONLINE number assigned to each research paper and show the result) |