Paper Title :Bamboo as Eco-Friendly and Economic Reinforcement for Low Cost Rural Housing
Author :Sudha Das Khan, Rabindra Kumar, Nirav Patel, Savan Patel
Article Citation :Sudha Das Khan ,Rabindra Kumar ,Nirav Patel ,Savan Patel ,
(2018 ) " Bamboo as Eco-Friendly and Economic Reinforcement for Low Cost Rural Housing " ,
International Journal of Advances in Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IJAMCE) ,
pp. 69-71,
Abstract : Bamboo commonly introduced as a giant tree grows in tropical and sub-tropical country. In the rural areas of
developing country like India, bamboo still widely used as a construction material for housing which are nicely adopted by
natural environment. Now a day, production of low cost sustainable housing for rural areas are of great concern. Bamboo
which is abundantly locally available and also cheap can be used in replacement of steel reinforcement in cement concrete.
In this study an attempt is made to evaluate the suitability of bamboo reinforcement in replacement of steel reinforcement in
cement concrete for economic housing. To assess this, flexural strength test of bamboo reinforcement concrete (BRC) beam
is performed and the results are compared with steel reinforcement concrete (SRC) beam. Experimental results prove that
bamboo is suitable as a reinforcing material in cement concrete for low cost sustainable housing.
Keywords - Bamboo, Sustainable Housing, Bamboo Reinforcement Concrete (BRC), Steel Reinforcement Concrete (SRC),
Flexural Strength, Failure Load
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-5,Issue-4
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Published on 2018-11-22 |