Paper Title :Development of an IOT-based Module for Water Optimization in Paddy Fields
Author :Basil Philip Issac, Rohin Kurien Saji, Akhila Mariya Benny, Amal Nelson, Bennet Kuriakose
Article Citation :Basil Philip Issac ,Rohin Kurien Saji ,Akhila Mariya Benny ,Amal Nelson ,Bennet Kuriakose ,
(2021 ) " Development of an IOT-based Module for Water Optimization in Paddy Fields " ,
International Journal of Advances in Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IJAMCE) ,
pp. 4-6,
Abstract : This paper weighs on developing a device to monitor water levels in paddy fields at various times and alerting
farmers to schedule their crop calendar with proper irrigation practices. Adoption of real-time field monitoring using LoRa
technology enables farmers to know the conditions of the field beforehand and take necessary steps to increase or decrease
water levels accordingly. The combination of Time-of-Flight sensors for water level measurements and assistance provided
by app on water levels required during various stages, helps provide visual representation of field data.
Keywords - Improper Irrigation, LoRa Technology, Visual Representation
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-8,Issue-5
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2021-11-30 |