Paper Title :Heterogeneous Vehicle Performance in a Corridor using Vehicle Actuated Programming
Author :N.S.Elangovan, S.Nithya
Article Citation :N.S.Elangovan ,S.Nithya ,
(2017 ) " Heterogeneous Vehicle Performance in a Corridor using Vehicle Actuated Programming " ,
International Journal of Advances in Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IJAMCE) ,
pp. 1-5,
Abstract : Most of the intersection in India is operated manually during morning and evening peak hour. Existing strategies
that is used in Indian cities does not offer significantaids in reducing the delays of transit vehicles. The main concern is its
static nature, the potential negative impact on the cross street traffic and lack of response to real time traffic conditions. This
study developed a model using VAP, with the use of continuous vehicle detection and arrival time prediction techniques and
it is compared with the existing conditions. The development of VAP control system has the ability to provide signal priority
which response the real-time traffic and transit conditions to a great extent. The VAP system consists of three main
components: a virtual detection system, an arrival prediction model, and a flexible VAP algorithm. The virtual detection
system was developed in a VISSIM micro simulation model. The VAP system was tested and compared to the existing
system using the micro simulation model. Results showed that the VAP system outperformed the existing condition. Our
results also indicate that a properly framed flexible algorithm is the base for the implementation of VAP control for
heterogeneous conditions in a coordinated corridor.
Keywords - component; Delay; Travel Time; Simulation; Vehicle Actuated Programming.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-4,Issue-2
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2017-06-13 |